Excerpts for use in the Wing Luke Museum exhibit Out of Focus


Excerpts for use in the Wing Luke Museum exhibit Out of Focus


Exhibit: Out of Focus: Media Stereotypes of Asian Pacific Americans Sexism Villains Servants Orientalism Citizenship Refugees Martial arts Suzie Wong Stereotypes


Excerpts on Asian stereotyping and discrimination from "Coming of Age in Samoa" by Margaret Mead, Senator James G. Blaine's 1879 speech, 1830 American Quarterly Review, Hon. Harlow S Orton 1869 Annual Address, Encyclopaedia Britannica 1842 entry on China, Samuel Goodrich's 1859 article "The Tales of Peter Parley About Asia for Children," W.S.W. Ruschenberger quote, Revered Erasmus Doolittle's "Social Life of the Chinese," New York Herald's 1870 article, 1866 article "On the Mongolian Race of Eastern Asia," Edwin R. Meade's 1877 quote before the Social Science Association of America, William Stanton's 1960 "The Leopard's Spots", Edward Allen Ross' "Social Control", Darrell Hashimoto's "Monitored Peril," J. Philippe Rushton's works, Charles Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle," Charels Darwin's "The Descent of Man," an American soldier's song during Philippines-American War, Rudyard Kipling's "The Ballad of East and West," William C. Hunter's 1882 "The 'Fan Kwae' at Canton Before Treaty Days, 1825-1844," S.F. Mayor James Phelan's 1900 quote, Bret Harte's "Plain Language from Truthful James," Rawlein Soberano's "The Politics of Independence," Carey McWilliams' book, Dr. William Hobdy's 1928 quote, Judge D.W. Rohrback's 1930 quote, 1910 US Immigration Report, quote from 1994 episode of Frasier, Rep. Burt Talcott's 1975 quote, Senator George McGovern's 1975 quote, Lillian Huang's 1992 "A Newsroom of Our Own," 1992 national poll by the Los Angeles Times, Mark Baker's "Nam: The Vietnam War in the Words of the Soldiers Who Fought There," Rabindranath Tagore's 1929 quote, Carlos Bulosan's quote, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's 1973 "Giant Steps," Adrienne Telemaque's 1988 quote, excerpt from Ruthanne Lum McCunn's "Chinese American Portraits," "Colliers" 1945 quotes, Frank Deford's quote in 1992 Newsweek, Mark Arnold quote from 1990 article "Asian Women, Caucasian Men: The New Demographics of Love"


Wing Luke Asian Museum




WLE 1 _ E83


