Metro Transit Tunnel


Metro Transit Tunnel


METRO Tunnel International Special Review District Union Station Bush-Asia Center Seattle, WA


"Downtown Seattle Transit Project" March 1984 - Information pamphlet on the Metro Tunnel project "Downtown Seattle Transit Project News" Nov. 1984 - Proposed station locations (newsletter is cut up) "Downtown Seattle Transit Project News" Jan. 1985 - Art committee, dual-power buses, tunnel plan "Downtown Seattle Transit Project, Preferred Alternative" Jan. 1985 - Pamphlet on the Tunnel project "Metro News" Feb. 13, 1985 - Press release of two meetings on the Tunnel project, includes a flyer on the meetings "Letters to the Editor" Feb. 1985 - Looking at pricing of transit system from around the nation "Downtown Seattle Transit Project News" Mar. 1985 - Funding, dual power bus study "Monitor" May 1985 - Info pamphelt on energy improvements, Congress' support of tunnel, bus service, media coverage, sewer overflow, rule changes "International Special Review District" May 28, 1985 - Letter to METRO ED about problems forseen about the Tunnel Project within the International District (2 copies) "Downtown Seattle Transit Project" July 1985 - Report on what Union Station will look like "International District and Pioneer Square Design Teams Comments on Union Station Transit Platform" Aug. 26, 1985 - Letter on comments from ID reps on Union Station design "METRO" Dec. 11, 1985 - Letter on meeting with ID Special Review on Union Station design "Metro chief sees light at the end of the bus tunnel" Feb. 6, 1986 - Seattle PI article on funding for the bus tunnel "METRO News" May, 2, 1986 - Press release on meeting to discuss bus tunnel art and design, includes picture of design "METRO News" June 5, 1986 - Press release on the approval for Tunnel funding agreement "METRO" June 6, 1986 - Letter to press on Tunnel info; includes folder and 5 fact sheets




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