Formal opening ceremony for the new Seattle Buddhist Church



Formal opening ceremony for the new Seattle Buddhist Church


Japanese American


Black and white image Group portrait Formal opening ceremony for the new Seattle Buddhist Church at 1427 Main St., October 15, 1941. The building was designed by architect Pierce A. Harrocks with help from associate architect Allen Kichio "Anky" Arai (back row, just right of the third telephone pole) and contractor Williams Hughes. Construction took seven months. Both young and old Buddhist church members spent weekends doing much of the labor. Just months after this opening ceremony, the U.S. declared war against Japan, the Pacific Coast was designated a military zone, and all people of Japanese ancestry were forcibly removed to the inland states. During this time, the building was leased to the Maritime Commission. First row: Fourth from left, Sat Ichikawa (Rev. Ichikawa's oldest son). Fifth from right, Fusaye "Fu-chan" Masamoto. Second from right, Amy Yamada; far right, Etsuko Ichikawa (Rev. Ichikawa's oldest daughter). Second row: Second from left, Mr. Wataoka; Nishimura. Fifth from left, Mrs. "Ish-chan" Morishita; Bessie Suto; Kiyo Ishikawa. Eleventh from left, Mrs. Yoshito Fuji. Sixteenth from left, Ayako Yamanaka. Twenty-first from left, Miyo Matsumoto; twenty-third from left, Seiko Fukuhara; Marcelline Uyeji. Fourth from right, Mrs. Kihara (of Main Fish Company family). Third row: Eighth from left, Yahachi Suzuki; eleventh from left, Mr. Fukei (English editor at Northwest Times). Fourth row: Fourteenth from left, Mr. Terao (owner of Tacoma Hotel); eighteenth from left, Mr. Hotta; nineteenth from left, Mr. Ishikawa; twenty-second from left, Mr. Tomota; Mr. Shimokon; Mr. Sumihira; Mrs. Masumoto. Twenty-seventh from left, Mrs. Yoda; twenty-eighth from left, Mrs. Ichikawa (Rev. Ichikawa's wife); Mrs. Nagamatsu. Seventh from right, Mrs. Watanabe; fourth from right, Mrs. Nakahiro; Far right, Mrs. Yamada. Fifth row: From left, Mr. Morishita; Mr. Masumoto. Fifth from left, Mr. Koba; Mrs. Inouye; Kihara (owned Main Fish Company); Bunshiro Taguma (church treasurer); Mr. Fukutani; Mr. Taniguchi; Mr. Oba. Twenty-first from left, Mr. Kanemoto; Mr. Miyahara; twenty-third from left, Hisao Nishimura; Mr. Tanemura. Twenty-ninth from left, "Anky" Arai; Rev. Sunya Pratt (of Tacoma Buddhist Church, Parents of England Buddhist Church); Rev. Nishinaga of Tacoma; Mr. Nikaitani; Mr. Shitamae; Rev. Tatsaya Ichikawa (Rinaban? Of Seattle Buddhist Church); Rev. Terao (Seattle). First right and behind Rev. Terao, Mr. Fukuhara. Below first right to Mr. Fukuhara, Chusaburo Ito. Continuing right, woman in spotted dress, glasses, no hat, Mrs. Kadoguchi. Third right of Mrs. Kadoguchi, Mrs. Hirata; Mrs. Kono. Above Mrs. Kono and to the right, face partially obscured, Fumiko Nishimura.




Takano Studio





Original Format

Negative, Film
