

Large paper high school diploma from the National Academy, Manila, P.I. The diploma is on a thick paper and is printed in black ink from artwork which looks hand drawn. A banner across the top reads, National Academy recognized by the government and empowered to confer degrees. Manila, P.I. Below, the text if framed by images of bamboo, palms, and a person surrounded by various symbols of education: an astrolabe, books, an owl, etc. The text reads, The Director of the National Academy, upon the recommendation of the Faculty, has conferred this Diploma upon Victorio A. Velasco who has completed the High School course prescribed by this Institution and passed the examinations therein. In Testomony Wereof, Thereunto affix the Seal of the National Academy; my signature andx that of the Secretary. Given at the city of Manila, Philippine Islands, this Eighteenth day of march, in the year nineteen hundred and Twenty One. It is signed by the Director and secretary and a faded round seal with two ribbons has been affixed to the document through two parallel slats in the paper. The diploma is discolored and has a small wringle but is otherwise in very good shape.




