



Chinese balance scales with a single brass pan 9" in diameter suspended from one end of a balance rod by red string. The rod 29 1/2" long has brass caps about 2 3/8" long at each end. The rod is about 1/2" in diameter at the end from which the pan is suspended tapering to almost 3/8" at the other end. There are three loops of cord about 3" long inserted through holes in the rod at intervals of 2 1/2" 6" and 10 3/8" respectively from the large end. Those loops are used to suspend the scales when they are in use. The rod is calibrated with small brass pins driven flush to the rods surface. Although the weights for the balance are missing. They would be suspended from the tapered end of the rod to counterbalance the pan and its contents. The weight could then be determined from the calibration marks.


