Puppet, shadow


Puppet, shadow


Shadow puppet of a bearded man dressed in a black red yellow and green costume. The puppet is made of thin translucent leather. Cut-out designs are all over the costume face and hat. There is a central bamboo stick and rod attached at the neck and it supports the puppet. There are two other rod and bamboo sticks that attach to the hands and allow the arms to move at the elbow and shoulder. The legs are jointed at the hip and knees and also move. The costume has long sleeves and long full pants and has a cut-out face pictured in the middle. The numerous detailed carvings mean this man was probably an important person. The profiled face and cut-out features indicate this man to be an aristocratic and righteous individual. The hat has a flower cut-out in the front with a ball shape above and two streamers coming out of the back. The flags are triangular in shape. Documentation: Chinese Folk Art by Nancy Zeng Berliner (136140)


