



White Baptismal Dress and Bonnet A: White synthetic sheer Dress with high waist tiny set-in sleeves. Machine lace around high round neck and sleeves. Blue ribbon rosette fastened near neckline with 2 hanging streamers. Fabric has machine-embroidered floral pattern (white on white) which has border of large flowers leaves and blossoms with scalloped edge a ruffle of the same fabric is sewn on to make a very long skirt. Dress is open down the back and fastened by a button at the neck and one at the high waist. The dress is completely lined in a heavy synthetic crepe fabric. B: Bonnet of cream colored synthetic sheer fabric lining and yellow satin lining. Constructed with a circle of fabric in the back pleated fabric fans out to form bonnet shape. Has wide band of machine-lace underlaid with blue ribbon gathered lace around face. Blue ribbon attached to corners.


