1990 calendar printed on split reed with brown painted 3/8" dowels at top and bottom. Illustration of Vietnamese lady giving slices of watermelon to 4 small children 2 boys 2 girls. Calendar imprinted with "Columbia Pharmacy Seattle". Calendar published and distributed by Huong Que Printing Inc. San Francisco. 1993.35.1 - .3 show the western calendar of 12 months. Beneath or alongside the individual dates are smaller numerals indicating the days of the lunar calendar months. 1990 calendar has insertions showing 1st month 2nd month etc. of the lunar calendar and it shows the 5th month (May) followed by an "inserted" 5th month. This is "an extra month inserted seven times in nineteen years to make up the deficiency between the solar and the lunar years." (See Mathew's Chinese- English dictiontary page 477 character number 3177JUN)