



2 Posters made by the French to advertise an exhibit and auction of art work done by Cambodian refugee children who were located at Thai border camp site 2. A: H: 23" W: 17". Black bordered poster top half has black printing on yellow background "Voyage dans les reves des enfants de la frontiere" in French (Voyage through the dreams of the border children). Bottom half is a reproduction of a painting with 2 trees in foreground banks on either side of a river with a boat in the background. On the bottom is printed in yellow lettering "Les enfants cambodgiens du camp du Site II (Thailande) exposent" in French (Cambodian children from Site II camp [Thailand] exhibition) B: H: 24" W: 17". White bordered poster showing a reproduction of a painting with a lake island mountains in blue shoreline to left with a house on stilt and a tree in background. Two riders astride a horse and an elephant fly through the sky. Black printing on lower half: a poem in French "Si je ne devais pas revenir/Sachez que je ne suis jamais parti./Voyager/Ne fut pour moi que rester/Ici ou je n'ai jamais ete./ Giorgio Caponi/ Billet laisse avant de ne par partir." (If I must not return Understand that I never left. To travel it is not for me to stay/Here where I have never been). At bottom "Students of Ampil invite you to an art auction of their work. 3/3/90 etc.


