



Two attendant dolls for Hina Matsuri display. A: Body of old man seated doll; hands legs and feet are painted wood. Bare- foot sitting with right leg bent under; left arm is raised to hold the halberd His outer robe is off-white silk with a square neck sleeveless but with wide lined panels (mock sleeves) attached to the back of the armhole. The panel is lined with pale blue green silk with gold thread near edge and gold tassel at bottom. The back has a belt. Inner robe of brown gold and tan brocade lined with beige silk. One pink and two beige collars show at neckline. B: Head is made of wood paste and painted glass painted eyes and painted mouth. White hair of silk thread pulled back at sides and knotted in back. Top of head is bare (shaved). Wrinkles carved into face. C: He wears a hat of black lacquered paper in a high rounded shape with flat sides. Purple cord ties under chin. D: He holds a wooden pole (halberd). Cloth with emblem usually attached to pole is missing. E-F: young man seated. E: brocade robe of brown gold and copper; right arm raised left leg bent under; F: smooth face; black silk hair; G: black lacquer paper hat; H: halberd missing cloth with emblem. Other details identical of old man doll.


