Shrine Chest


Shrine Chest


A: H-43.75" W-37.75" D-20.25" Natural wood chest stained dark transparent brown. Stands on 1.75" wooden base. Front bottom has fence-like decoration of one horizontal bar and 9 vertical bars. Then strip of horizontal wood above that. In the center are a pair of operable doors the right hand door has a decorative wooden vertical strip for opening the door. The doors have a wrinkled glass panel on top and a wood panel below. The doors are set off top and bottom with a short hori- zontal strip of wood which is set into 2 wide half-rounds on each side of doors. Above the top strip is a pediment in the center made of 2 strips of wood coming to a point in the center with another strip of wood. In the center of the pediment is a protruding black metal crest in a round shape with half-rounds around the outside of the circle with the letter "kin" or gold in center. On each side of the doors is a horizontal strip set into the half- round on one side and the cabinet border strip on the other. Inside: split bamboo curtain bound with brocade double tassels. B: H-6" W-35.625" D-19.375" Unfinished wood base rectangular shape made of mitered wood strips. Chest sits on top of base.


