



Emperor Doll sitting cross legged H-15.25" W-19" A: Separate head made of molded wood paste dipped in gofun (crushed oyster shell) with painted black eyebrows and 2 dots on forehead red painted mouth glass set-in eyes. Black silk hair is pull into a top knot bound with purple thread. Some hair has fallen out. B: Body with outer robe of black silk damask with design of 3-petal flowers in water or clouds wide stand-up collar fastened with a knotted fabric button and loop off-center opening with narrow purple edging wide sleeves with narrow purple edging pale orange damask and white damask under robes show at sleeve edges and collars front lower panel (hirao) is blue brocade on the bottom smaller piece of off-white blue gold brocade on top smallest piece of gold brocade ending in a blue and white fringe. Black lacquer belt with round and square buttons at back covering a white damask rectangle bordered in black. Arms are crooked forward painted wood hands one cotton covered foot protudes in front. C: Shaku (symbol of authority) shaped like a folded fan in unpainted wood. D: Hat - black lacquered Kanmuri fabric; small round shape on top of crown with stiff upright shape with rod going through it. Blue cord with tassels at ends is wrapped around upright piece and tied under chin. Hina Matsuri Empress Doll E: H: 13" W: 19" D: 13.5" Separate head made of wood paste dipped in gofun (oyster shell powder) hair of black fine silk thread gathered and bound in the back in a style called tareshigami extending 6" down back. F: Body. 12-layer kimono called junihitoe; outer garment called uchikake suspended from shoulder straps of green silk brocade with gold and silver floral patterns; straps are fastened to a back piece of off-white silk damask with a checkboard pattern overlaid with floral medallions. The uchikake is of beige silk with printed circular medallions depicting iris maple leaves chrysanthemums wisteria dianthus and cherry blossoms. Outer kimono of dark blue silk brocade with a greek key pattern in gold with floral medallions in gold blue green orange; cuffs of faded orange heavy silk with woven clouds phoenix flowers in gold purple green blue beige. Under kimono layers vary in color and pattern as seen at neck. Lower skirt of kimono is plain weave orange silk. Under kimonos padded at back. G: Crown Chinese style H: 4" W: 7" D: 2.5" Stamped metal chrysanthemum in front coral bead in center rectangular finial and bird suspended Dangl- ing metal and beads from wires on side. H: Folding fan of cedar L: 4: W: 1/2" D: 3/8" 14 slats tied with cord


