



2 Court lady dolls (Kanjo) for Hina Matsuri display A: Standing doll with arms outstretched to the right holding a sake kettle in right hand and head turned to the left. Molded wood head and hands dipped in gofun (cracked) painted green spot on mouth painted black eyebrows and hairline. Black hair is brittle and has fallen off (see E in plastic bag) Outer kimono of white silk damask in a floral pattern (Ko-uchiki) wide padded sleeves four white collars and 1 light orange one show at neckline 1 white and 1 orange show at sleeve edges. Robe is tucked into rust-colored silk gauze hakama (haribakama-stiffened with starch) which extends under feet tied with same fabric sash with a white running stitch and green and gold obi stiffener behind. B: Sake kettle (Diam: 3/4" H: 1 1/2") of stamped metal with a pattern of bamboo leaves and floral elements around the rim; long spout C: Identical to doll A except that her head is not turned as acutely and her hands are raised closer together in front of her. D: Hair of doll C has fallen off (in plastic bag) hair is gathered and tied with two ties the upper one of rolled paper stained brown and the lower one of fine white cord. E: Hair of doll A


