



Boy's Day Doll A: Separate head molded from wood paste and dipped in gofun. Painted features and hairline front sides and back and painted eyes. Forehead is not shaved and hair is pulled back from front and sides and gathered together at back top of head bound with purple cord then ends frizzed out towards face. Hair is black silk thread. B: Body in sitting position with feet spread apart facing slightly outward. Arms are bent at elbow. Fingers bent as though to hold something. Wearing Kimono of beige silk brocade with designs of yellow chrysanthemum orange lavender white flowers with dark beige paper weft vines. The sleeves are lined with white silk with crane design. Projecting from sleeves are tight fitting undersleeves of orange and beige brocade of silk with paper weft. The tight sleeves are lined with blue green fabric. Sleeves are gathered at wrist and held with silk cord of white purple and yellow. There are protectors over his hands covered in white and gold brocade. He wears two white silver undercollars. His front armour is paper mache painted silver. There are two metal bosses of chrysanthemum shape with darker metal circular shape on top with a ring through projecting holder. Across the top of armour is metal band with pattern of sideview of chrysanthemum with two leaves and triangular background pattern. There are two horizontal gold metal bands horizontally across front armour with orange silk flat cord lacing. Armour has vertical stripes in the paper mache. On the left front is paper mache flap with a purple and white silk cord knot and tassel. Across shoulders is strap with rounded ends attached over metal band on top of armour. There are metal bosses in chrysanthemum design with ring through center on rounded ends of straps. Straps are bound with narrow flat cords of white and purple. From straps are four bands of paper mache armour laced with orange silk cord. Across bottom is metal band with side view of chrysanthemum and two leaves with triangluar background design. There is a padded cloud shape on top of armour at shoulders in a beige brocade design with white chrysanthemums. Around his waist is a padded band knotted in front. It is a silk dark blue floral and vine pattern on a lighter blue background. Hakama is two tone beige silk and paper brocade with frower and triangular design. Fabric was purple and has faded to brown. There are three sets of four bands . One band is missing. They are paper mache laced with flat orange cord. On bottom is metal band with side view of chrysanthemum with two leaves and triangular background pattern. Under armour are two flaps of imitation tiger skin attached by pattered fabric at the top. Shoes are wood painted black with imitation black bear skin across the toes. Flat orange cord is tied around insteps. Back of armour is shiny black lacquered paper mache with red silk cord extending from back center knotted with ends hanging. There are two sets of paper mache armour bands of four bands laced with orange flat cords.


