



Boy's Day Display Doll Takeda Style representing Sugawara Michizani A: Figure with head carved from wood and dipped in gofun. Painted features and eyes. Hair made of a hard bast fiber light colored combed back straight shoulder length. Eyebrows of same fiber inserted into slots in forehead. Most of left eyebrow missing. There is a slot under the chin which probably held a beard now missing. Posture: Left foot resting on prow of boat. hips swung to left upper body and head tilted to right. Right foot extended with big toe raised. Clothing: Outer jacket of green silk and paper kamiko brocade with floral cloud and flaming orb patterns in light blue copper and gold colored threads. This jacket is tied around the waist with a broad belt of paper backed gold colored silk fabric which is fastened in a bow in the front. From the bow hang two narrow strips of the same material to the ends of which are fastened two strips of paper backed copper colored silk brocade with green patterns. The sleeves of the outer jacket have been slipped off the arms and hang from the waist. His under kimono jacket is of reddish orange silk fabric with embroidery and couching on the right sleeve. The cuffs of the kimono are of a gold colored fabric a blend of silk and paper. His hakama is of gold colored kamiko brocade with round medallions of floral patterns. The legs and feet are of carved wood painted grey. There is a band of black velvet around the ankles. The shins are faced with orangey red silk fabric over which are longitudinal strips of gold painted cardboard. His left foot rests on a boat fore section made of cardboard. The top of which is painted red the back and the far side are painted grey the front face has a textured gold strip about .75" wide on the upper edge. The lower portion is painted black and grey in wave patterns. The prow of the boat is painted black and extends about 1.5" above the boat's deck. The doll stands on a box of wood 2.25" high 8.75" long 6.75" deep. The points of the stand are rounded and painted an olive color. The sides of the stand are painted black. In the front side is a cut out section backed by red silk mounted on wood with a gold wave pattern. The hands are carved wood crudely carved and painted beige. B: Halberd: L: 14" made of bamboo. the bottom 10.75 " are rounded about .125" in diameter and painted red. The top 3.25" is a bout .25" wide and flattened to resemble a blade. and painted silver. A side blade extends out at about 30 degrees from the base of the main blade. It is bamboo and about .375" wide and 1.5" long and painted silver. Condition: There is a split extending down from the right cheek down the side of the jaw. There are scratches and chips in the facial paint.


