Pill Roller
Pill Roller
Business Japanese American State Drug Pharmacy
Pill Roller A: the top has a stained wood handle at each end. The center is rectangular and on one side is attached three brass pieces. Stamped on one side of the wood rectangle is "7". the center brass piece is a rectangle with 12 semi-circular grooves. This piece is attached by four screws 2 at each end. the grooves run perpendicular to the handles. At each end of the brass grooves are roller holders and each holds two brass wheels which fit partially through holes in the holders. They spin on small metal axles. B: Stained wood base. Rectangular piece of wood has a half inch leg on one end tilting the base. At the opposite end on the top is a 2 " long well carved into the wood. Just above the well a brass piece has been inserted. this piece has 12 semi-circular groves running parallel to the sides. Along each long side is attached a brass rail held by four screws. the rollers on the handle rotate an the outside edge of these brass rails. The pills are formed when the top brass grooves move over the bottom brass grooves.