Lidded Basket


Lidded Basket


ROUND BASKET WITH LID made of flat split grass woven in twill weave with herringbone patterned border. A: Center of basket bottom has a small square reinforced by straight stitch- ing split grass into an X formation. More grass was woven into the edges of the square forming a herringbone pattern of concentric circles on the outside basket bottom. Inside the added strands of grass ends stick up slightly and form zigzag lines that allows for the expanding bottom. The sides have a uniform herringbone pattern. The basket was woven twice as tall as the com- pleted product. The top edge was designed to be folded over to the basket floor. The extra layer reinforces the basket wall and gives a finished rim. The weaving allows the basket rim to tilt inward. There are 3 brown stains. B: Basket lid has a small square start and concentric herringbone patterns circle out from the square. Lid edge is simply finished and the sides are woven in herringbone pattern. There are 7 brown stains inside the lid. There is 1 large hole on the edge of the lid and a smaller one.


