



A: SWORD Steel blade is attached to bone handle with a wooden plug; bone guard is held at the base of the handle by a band of brass. The bone handle has an incised design highlighted with black ink. Design consists of a flower petal and leaf motif at top and bottom of handle; in the center on one side is a government official and on the other are two men one may be a soldier standing on hills. B: SCABBARD Scabbard made from 3 pieces of bone with a knob and a hole. The incised design is highlighted with black ink: flower motif on top and bottom hori- zontal lines 4 men on each side of scabbard with different style hats and robes. C: SPACER Bone spacer is a hollow disk incised with fish or dragon scales and decorative ovals. D: END CAP Bone end cap is oval shaped with one flat side and on convex side undecorated


