



MASK OF GURULA RAKSHA A BIRD WHICH PREYS ON SNAKES. carved of kadura wood (nux vomica) smoke dried before carving. main head of mask painted with coat of yellow paint. designs then painted in other colors on top in red black white brown and green. curved flowing lines rep- resenting feathers are stacked between bold white lines. behind these is light ly brushed graduated color. top of mask has two curves which come from sides to middle. three triangle shapes one in middle one on each side under the curves. rearing from top of large red-painted hooked beak of bird is grey white red and black cobra. rest of body is coiled around birds beak. white under snakes belly yellow fangs white staring eys and an open hood. hood and back crisscrossed by black lines to create impression of scales under which grey paint gradates to white. red stripes across it. birds red beak highlighted by yellow lines next to which is black shading. white eyes pro- trude from head with black irises. painted feathers fan out above eyes. eyes outlined in red. around beak there is more criss-crossing with black paint with bright touches of red. two seperately carved wings fit into rectangular holes on each sid of head at corner of eyes. Up center of wings is red plume. on either side of plume are scalloped shapes in which are painted the curved lines which represent feathers. red with criss-crossing black lines at base.


