



Figure of Badger Painted brown standing badger wearing a yellow conical hat black robe with white cross design light blue pants on left is a white satchel on right he has a yellow walking stick around neck is a yellow sign in kanji: "Two travelling together". #7 is written on the bottom. Badger (Tanuki) Lore When the badger becomes 1000 years old it can work magic produce mirages and change itself into all kinds of inanimate and human forms. It is connected with Buddhism when it takes the form of Buddha a boddhisattva priest nun pilgrim or a Buddhist speaking statue. Wicked priests turn back into badgers when they die. "Tanuki Bozu" in the form of a Buddhist priest presumed to be kind an trustworthy shown coifed with a lotus leaf and wrapped in a lotus leaf cloak as an emblem of Buddhism. Considered to be very skillful with a brush badgers often decorate writing implements. The badger leads people astray on moonlit nights by beating on its huge belly as on a temple drum to make enticing rhythmic music and then disappears. The badger is more bent on mischievous tricks than real evil. (Japanese Animal Art Antique & Contemporary by Lea Batten p. 46)


