Doll with letter


Doll with letter


Kokeshi Doll Letter Holder Turned wood doll made of two pieces with round head peg neck fits into hole on top of doll body. Body is hollow wood tube into which rolled letter paper is inserted and the pedestal cap has carved threads to screw into bottom of the body. A: Doll head has red painted petal shapes at back and at each side of face indicating tied kerchief. Painted black bangs and side hair pieces eyebrows round eyes u-shaped nose and two red dots for lips. The cylindrical varnished body has a painted design of 7 red flowers with green leaves an orange kimono color and blue cross hatched and dotted obi. B: Pedestal cap of turned wood that has a threaded knob which screws into the bottom of the body exterior is varnished. C: Letter - rolled piece of paper: L:7" W: 2.25". Hand written English message inserted into body of doll reads "6 Aug. Dear Sealoff-sensei Now I got back home from hospital. Injection of streptomycin will finish at next Tuesday and about next Friday I will know the results of all examination. So I can't see your many treasures I'm very sorry! But I shall visit you on the next weekend with good report "Complete recovery" I hope so. If you can find time to spare please come down to here. We will show you Hamana-ko lake. Yesterday I made "something" or present for you. This morning I had a letter from Watanabe-san. (over) My mother & sister join me in kind regards. Yours truly Toshio Okabe" D: Mailing tag 4.25" x 1.75" made of heavy paper with brown reinforced hole wired to the neck of the doll; on one side is a green stamp showing a snowy mountain and the number 10 with a round post mark reads "Miss Georgia L. Sealoff c/o Toyo Kikaikaikan Hotel 15 Shiba Mita Shikoku Minato-ku Tokyo" and Japanese kanji below; on the other side "Toshio Okabe 4445 Higashi iba-cho Hamamatsu Shizuoka Pref. Please open a foot-cap you shall find a letter. My dear kokeshi will send a letter you holding her bosom."


