Miniature Book Set
Miniature Book Set
Miniature Books Enclosed in Separate Cover A: Orange paper covered book enclosure made of card stock with mauve and white colored paper interior. Enclosure folds around three miniature books and is fastened with an ivory peg held by an orange ribbon. Attached to the left side of the case. Mottled beige paper strip is glued to the front; hand - written kanji on the back "Kyoto kyogoku Sakuraiya (store in Kyoto)" B: Miniature Book 1.25" X 1.125. Small pages are bound to a paper cover with red silk thread bound by traditional stitching method. Front and back cover are printed with red on white hemp leaf pattern. Top and bottom corners of spine are covered with purple paper. Front cover which opens from the left has a rectangular paper with gold design; back cover has black ink hand-written in kanji "Kyoto kyogoku Sakuraiya (store in Kyoto)" C: Miniature Book 1.25" X 1.125. Small pages are bound to a paper cover with red silk thread bound by traditional stitching method. Front and back cover are printed with orange on white hemp leaf pattern. Top and bottom corners of spine are covered with purple paper. Front cover which opens from the left has a rectangular paper with gold design. back cover has black ink hand-written in kanji "Kyoto kyogoku Sakuraiya (store in Kyoto)" D: Miniature Book 1.25" X 1.125. Small pages are bound to a paper cover with red silk thread bound by traditional stitching method. Front and back cover are printed with purple on white hemp leaf pattern. Top and bottom corners of spine are covered with purple paper. Front cover which opens from the left has a rectangular paper with gold design. back cover has black ink hand-written in kanji "Kyoto kyogoku Sakuraiya (store in Kyoto)"