Horse Carving
Horse Carving
Carved wooden Horse Miniature horse carved from flat piece of wood with curved mane and curved front and back with a flat saddle. Painted royal blue with black eyes outlined in white painted gold grooved mouth ears painted gold on font and gold marking on forehead. Painted gold and red diamonds and circles simulate bits. Painted white harness with white and red reins. White flower with red center painted on chest. Gold foil fringed decoration glued to front and sides. Painted red stripe with white dots on front and in sides at top and on fringe. Red white and gold swirl marks on haunches. Painted white and red ties above tail . Painted silver hooves. Painted red saddle with white and gold floral and scroll designs. Gold and black lozenges on side of saddle. Painted white underneath. White and orange twisted cord extends from mouth to back of head. Synthetic black bristles on top of head and on back for tail.