Lion Head


Lion Head


Lion Head Shishi Gashira ( Neri - mono kneaded object) A: Lion head moulded from sawdust mixed with rice paste in three pieces. Upper head is painted red with green wing eyebrows gold slanting eyes with black pupils wide nose and gold teeth with fangs in upper jaw. Lower jaw is painted red including tounge and has flat gold teeth and is pegged to the sides of the upper head. A gold painted horrn is pegged to the top of the head and has white fiber hair extending out beneath it. On the back is a T - shaped frame. There are several holes in the head and lower jaw where originally a string joined the ears head and jaw together. Written in pencil on the bottom "shishi - Toy - (1880)". B & C: Two black painted ears moulded from sawdust and rice paste with white string extending from hole in inner side of ear.


