Paper Butterflies


Paper Butterflies


Three Paper Butterflies with bamboo frames. A: Paper wings are painted with S - shaped design surrounded by dots in green yellow and silver. Reed tube or body is attached to fine bamboo frame surrounding wings. Solid reed body has green paper ends and shiny red paper tail on upper side. Other end has two slivers of bamboo one ending in silver foil paper. A hole in the middle underside of body possibly for attaching to a stick. B: Smaller Butterfly L: 1.625"; has paper wings painted yellow and green with transparent splotches. Reed tube or body is attached to fine bamboo frame surrounding wings. Solid reed body has green paper ends and shiny silver paper tail on upper side. A hole in the middle underside of body possibly for attaching to a stick. C: Smallest Paper Butterfly L:1.5" has pink and yellow markings on wings. Reed tube or body is attached to fine bamboo frame surrounding wings. Solid reed body has gold paper ends and shiny silver paper tail on upper side. A hole in the middle underside of body possibly for attaching to a stick.


