Painted Shell


Painted Shell


Clam Shell painted Gold. Large shell has had a coarse material glued to it to make the surface rough then another material has been used to make raised outlines. This has been painted over in gold paint and then the designs painted in other colors. A: Has wave designs in the left corner with four of them painted in white with a blue line in the middle then silver and then a dark blue line. On the top are four flowers. The largest is pink with red highlights and a yellow center Partially behind that flower is a white flower with red highlights and a yellow center. On top is a smaller red flower with dark red highlights and a yellow center and behind that one is a pink flower with red highlights and a yellow center. Around the flowers are painted green leaves with a single purple vein. B: Has two - three lobed designs. The smallest is painted silver in the center wiht blue lines and three white blossoms with red centers. The large design is gold with two pink flowers with yellow centers and three areas of red lines crossing with three green dots on each. C & D: Two smaller clam shells painted gold with a single pink flower with red highlights and a yellow center. The two smaller shells were inside the larger shell.


