Slide Set
Slide Set
Portion of Slide Set on Japanese Festivals Slides are produced by the Nihon Kogei Co. Ltd. Slide # 4: Rural procession of dancers dressed in black happi coats holding tall framework with many paper lanterns. # 6: Night Shot of outdoor stage near a river #7: Man dressed in festival clothing carrying a shrine outside of a red torii gate. # 10: Procession with two story float man in foreground wearing brown striped robes # 12: Procession of men wearing shrine on shoulders # 13: Man dressed in black and white are twirling umbrellas over their heads. # 15: Procession of men running along side float with dragon head. # 12: Slide of Hiroshige Print showing an eagle flying over mountains. On the back is stamped:" 1956 The Gakushu Kenkyusha" (Tokyo Japan). Fuji Color Duplicate. Stored in cardboard Kodak slide box. " Miss Sealoff Present"