Wood Block Print


Wood Block Print


Two Small wood Block Prints A: Back ground of shades of grey clouds and trees thatched roof buildings lower right green slope inforeground with four people travelling uphill and two downhill. Two men in blue and green loin cloths with large hats are carrying a sedan chair with seated person with straw cape. Another person with straw cape running ahead. Going downhill person with umbrella and another running beside dressed in straw cape is hiding head under umbrella. Grey streaks covering print represent rain. On the left in upper and lower corners is black ink kanji and two seals one in shape of gourd. H: 3.5" W: 5.25". Hiroshige's woodblock print (Sudden Rainstorm at Shono) Tokaido Route 53 - Tsugi (53 stations). Signature: Hiroshi Gega; censor's kiwame seal in left margin; publisher's seal in red. At left bottom: Hoei-do plus publisher's surname Takenouchi on the umbrella. B: The print shows large house or inn made of wood and showing light behind windows. The roofs of the buildings and foreground are covered with snow There are two wooden sleds with bundles on top and a horse with a red blanket (kanji: Naka) eating out of a bucket in foreground. A dark blue sky sliver of a moon and black and green trees in background. A red and green seal at lower left. H: 3.75 W: 5.875".


