Ivory Panels


Ivory Panels


Two carved ivory scenes each with a carved wood stand Chien Long Year of Qing dynasty. A- Carved ivory scene. Scene is flanked by section of carved clouds and within each are two dragons one above one below and there is a ball between them. 76 figures are wearing long robes with sleeves which cover their hands. From left to right two figures hold fishing poles with lines wrapped around them two hold poles in water. A figure behind them holds a pot of tea. They fish in a lotus pond and a figure is on the other side waving to them. Figures walk along a path above and below a wall. A figure carries tea in front of a circular opening. In front of a buidling three large figures and a small one converse. Above them in a building are four figures on the second story above them are four more. Above this on a bridge are seven figures. Next to them in a seperate compound are four figures one sits on a swing. Below them coming through a stone arch are four figures next to them in from of the main building are figures on the path below on the steps to it and on the veranda. To the right of them are figures crossing another birdge to antother buidling. Below the bridge is a pond with a large rock and bird on it. B- is a mirrior image of A. The bottom right hand corner has been cracked and replaced. C & D- Ornately carved two-piece stands. The top has high sides to left and right. These are carved in the shape of a duck head. Along the inner portion of the top of the stand is carved a line of "thunder". The feet of the stand curve out and in and have etched leaf designs. In the middle of the stand is a large central carved section and two smaller ones to each side. The small ones are hour-glass shaped with a bundled flower and vine design in vertical postion. The central one has a central flower and multiple curved leaves which at either end form another blossom. The back of the stands are attached by two single dowel hinges and are one-third the size of the front. They are square coming off the hinges in straight lines with a perpendicular peice connecting them and forming the feet. A carved brace is in between the two hinge pieces. The foot section on C is longer than that of D.


