



Japan Textiles


White cotton terry cloth tenugui hemmed at the top and bottom along a blue stripe. 2 thin blue lines and 1 thick blue line decorate top and bottom sections. 3 KOKESHI decorate the lower half of the piece. A small boy KOKESHI with a green stripe haori and red and yellow wear looks up at a KOKESHI of a woman with a green red and white flowered haori and yellow and red flowered kimono witha baby KOKESHI on her back. The characters for TOBETSU ONSEN (TOBETSU hot springs) in green decorate the area below the KOKESHI figures and characters for TOBETSU in blue are above the KOKESHI. A stamp of MT Fuji with "JAPAN" writtin in kanji under it on a water motif and "M.160" is stamped at the top right corner. The tenugui is packaged in translucent paper with green writing that says "ONSEN TOWEL" on it. The mark to the left of the writing is the symbol for hot springs. The top and bottom of the packaging are decorated with a geometric flower design.


