



Eight Panel Screen Screen of Samurai viewing cherry blossoms while wading in a stream. Each screen is a wood frame covered with paper. Black lacquered or painted wood trim on outside edge of panels. Only end panels have black trim on outside edges. Each outside edge has four wide head nails and in between the nails is an engraved 3.25" metal piece nailed on. The viewing side of the screen is framed by cloth bands which are attached separately to each panel. A 1.25" wide band of emerald green cloth with a tan thread brocade of continuous swastika pattern with eight petal flower design in between them . Alternating patterns of tan dragonflies and white flowers within a six sided area. A thin .25" band of faded orange fabric with natural fiber weave follows the green band. The painting is in watercolors and depicts a central figure on a horse. He is wearing a black tate eboshi hat a kariginu - traditional hunting clothes in light blue with a diamond pattern. He has red underrobes and grey hakama (Kari - bakama) with white mon. He is in the water on a white horse. The horse has grey spots and is wearing red ( munagai) tassels around the back and front. To the rider's right in the water stands a figure with goat-tee balck eboshi white kariginu with red trim on sleeve ends ( sode Kukuri) and light blue hakama. To his right with his back to the viewer is a figure in the water with eboshi orange with green tri- leaf design and light blue hakama. The farthest figure to the right of the horseman is also standing in the water and gesturing towards the shore while looking at the horseman. He is wearing a black tate eboshi an olive green kariginu with red sode kukuri. He has grey hakama with white floral design. The rest of the screen on this side is a large cherry tree in bloom on a sloping green hillside with yellow bushes in bloom around it. To the left of the central horseman in the stream is an attendant carrying his sword. He is facing the horseman and wearing a red kariginu with peach colored flower designs green underrobe and plain light blue hakama. The sword is in a brown scabbard with white handle and red tassels. To the left of the attendant is another figure in the water carrying a covered parasol (?). He wears an eboshi a plain white kariginu with red sode kukuri and orange underrobe. He has plain light blue hakama. A small cherry tree to his left. All around the painting are cloud forms in a metallic paint.


