Woven silk pictures in frames


Woven silk pictures in frames


Woven black and white silk pictures commorating a Taiwanese Association. A: Silver River Evening Excursion. Picture of single man in long canoe or boat paddling along river. Tree branches dominate top of picture then clouds setting sun mountains in the background. Top of picture has characters woven into the fabric and at the bottom but folded under the frame and the manufactures' seal an S T in an oval ring. Painted in white ink along the bottom are four vertical lines of characters three on the right and one on the left. In a wood frame antiqued with mottled edging around the frame with an interior of scrolled edges around smooth flat interior frame. Covered in glass. B: Hang Zhou Western Lake in Autumn. Lake scene with a small pennisula in the center jutting out into the lake. A two story building with curving roof. First story is screened in. Two trees are further out on the penninsula. Two persons are pictued one is holding a stick possibly fishing and one is walking towards the building. The shadow of this scene streches along the water into the foreground of the picture. The top half is dominated by part of a tree's branches and leaves. In the background are mountains a small isle in the lake and a small boat with four persons sailing on the water. Along the bottom in white ink is a commentary commemorating opening ceremonies for a Taiwanese Association. Woven in right hand bottom corner is N. S. L.O. Woven into the top of the picture are characters giving the title.


