Wood Crate


Wood Crate


Wood Crate Made of wooden slats nailed on edges with rabbetted joints wire threaded through holes in the slats along the center of the sides and ends; on one side printed in black are 2 Chinese characters "YING MEE TEA CO." below is a logo featuring 3 birds with open wings and on either side in English "TRADE MARK" below is one line of Chinese characters; the other side printed in black block letters on left is a vertical line of Chinese characters down the middle "TEA PRODUCE IN FORMOSA PROCESSED IN HONGKONG; EA. 5 OZ.; LOONG TSING TEA; 150 PACKS; YING MEE TEA CO. 20 MERCER ST. HONG KONG"; on one end in black printing "WSC" in dashed line border below "San Francisco" and the number 12 the other end "WA SANG CO. 663 KING ST. SEATTLE WASH''


