Bangasa Paper Parasol Heavy hand made paper is stencil dyed with a red cherry blossom that radiates out from the center turquoise blue background. There are six smaller white cherry blossom on the top. paper edged with silver foil. The spokes are made of bamboo and come to a point where they meet in the center. The paper is glued to the bamboo spokes and lines of black lacquer are painted on top of the paper at the spokes which radiate out from black lacquered knob in the center which is surrounded by purple paper. The edges of the paper are held by white thread which runs through holes near end of the spokes and is held close to the edge of the paper by the silver foil. Interior black painted bamboo spokes are connected to a knob and fastened to the upper spokes by cotton string running through holes in the spokes. Two lines of blue thread hold the lower spokes in the center and a white thread and silver foil keep them in place where they are attached to the knob. A ring of gold foil protects the paper from the spokes. The handle made of bamboo which is lacquered black and has two segments of white plastic cord wrapped around to provide a grip. A bent metal strip holds the umbrella up when it is open. Possibly used for Bon Odori dances.