



Wakefield's Blackberry-Balsam Compound for Common Diarrhea clear bottle in cardboard box. A: Yellow box with black lettering central area a black box with white lettering. Ingredients include: "Alchohol 12% Blackberry Root White Oak Bark Columbo Root Rhubarb Root Culvers Root Prickly Ash Bark Catechu Gum Potassium Carbonate Cranesbill Camphor." Below ingredients list is written "Net contents 177 ml. (6 fl. oz.) Manufactured for C. Wakefield & Co. Levittown N.Y. 11756 Established in 1846". One side of the box describes the compound as "pleasant tasting" and says "Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Compound is an excellent carminative astringe t for common diarrhea due to food reactions changes in drinking water and climate. Made by extracting the useful principles from botanical drugs and combining with other ingredients of medicinal value. C Wakefield & Co. have produced anti-diarrheals for over 120 years." One side of box features directions for using the product "Directions for use: Dosage Recommended (Shake well before using) -- Adults: 1 tablespoonsul -- may be repeated in 1/2 hour until 4 doses are taken. Children: 6 to 12 years 1/2 tablespoonful 3 to 6 years 1 teaspoonful. May be repeated as above. Under 3 years of age consult a physician. Warning: do not use for more than 2 days in presences of high fever unless directed by a physician. Keep out of the reach of children." Retail price sticker is located on top "6.65". B: Clear glass medicin bottle full still sealed with orange label on one side. Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Compund for Common Diarrhea due to diet and climatic changes. 6 fl. oz."


