Stone, Worked
Stone, Worked
6 pieces of sliced agate A: H: .25" L: 3.25" W: 1.125" reddish brown with black curved lines grayish white edge irregular shape. B: H: .25" L: 2.875" W: 2.375" grayish white with hole in center which is crystallized creamy white rough edge irregular circular shape. C: H: .125" L: 3.25" W: 2" brownish color transluscent irregular shape with sharp edge. D: H: .25" L: 3.25" W: 1.75" variegated color: white matte ranging to dark gray brown creme medium gray elongated irregular shape. E: H: .25" L: 3.375" W: 3" gray blue black variegated colors strip of dark beige on one edge irregular shape with two points. F: H: .25" L: 4.625" W: 1.625" variegated color: dark grey to white brown yellowish brown irregular oblong shape Used for naturalistic ikebana flower arrangements