Patent medicine


Patent medicine


5 the same medicinal tea packages. A yellow-orange paper package with medicine tea in it. The manufactural company started from 1915A.D.. The medicinal tea is for curing and preventing fever symptoms. Taking this medicine tea with hot water. Adults can take 1~2 packages per time and pelple age from 5~15 take half~1 package. On the package there are a figure of a doctor who invented this medicine brand marks and statements of functions usages and patent. 1997.43.33A Many tears on the paper package and the box is broken so the inner tea is leaking out. 1997.43.33B and 1997.43.33D The same condition as 1997.43.33A. 1997.43.33C The same condition as 1997.43.33A but its top part is disappeared. 1997.43.33E The same conditon as 1997.43.33A but its top cover is almost torn apart from the package and there is only a little tea inside.


