Patent medicine set
Patent medicine set
1997.43.35A A hardboard box (L:4.33" W:3.15" H:1.89"). The box is wrpped with paper which covers the whole outer surfaces except teh bottom. It is covered losely woven fabric. The fabric is with yellow and green weft froms the back ground and red blue supplementary weft forms a floral pattern. One side of the box is stuck a faded red label with the store name and location and the name of medicine. There is a red-yellowish loop insert in the top hardboard and the loop also loops a thin-shipped bone through a small crack of the bone. The bone is inserted into another red loop on the side. there is a big crack (1.81") in one back edge. Inside the box is stuck a red paper. 1997.43.35B A six holes hardboard insert with faded red paper on top and yellowish paper on the bottom. There is a rectangular hardboard frame stuck to the paper. The red paper a little separates from hardboard and there are many white powder dots from wax balls on it. The yellowish paper also a little separates from the hardboard. The hardboard frame becomes a little fuzzy. 1997.43.35C A piece of thin yellowish paper (L:8.31" W:4.72") with a pink print. This is a statement warning customers that there is only one real drug store sell the wax balls and others are fakes. The mediccine is made in Hong Kong. 1997.43.35Di~iii Three the same yellowish pieces of paper (L:11.73" W:7.87"). There are two red brand stamps on the top of black printed medicine functions and usage. The possible ingredients of this medicine are: Radix Ginseng Cornu Vervi Pantotrichum Semen Nelumbinis Semen Zizyphi Spinosae Herba Cynomorii Radix Morindae Officinalis Fructus Lycii etc. Functions: For replenish vital energy and blood nourish essence of both the liver and the kidney and invigorate the function of the spleen and stomach for the treatment of deficiency of vital energy and blood and lowered functioning of the kidney with lassitude fatigue poor appetite spermatorrhea anemia early graying of the hair etc. Usage: Break the wax ball and take the black pill directly by holding it in the mouth or decoct it with Longan Aril. Reference: <>1984; 1985 Xie Zhufan Huang Xiaokai ed. The commercial press Ltd.. China books and Periodicals Inc.. p.250: Ginseng and Polose Antler Life-preserving Pills. 1997.43.35Ei~vi Five wax balls and one black ball (D:1"~1.46") with its broken wax shell. Some broken wax shells are stuck in other wx balls. Every round wax balls have two small bulgy points and is covered with white powder. However the white powder is faded and the brown-yellow wax shells are revealed. Every wax shell has two stamps one is the name of the brand "uan i tang" and another one is unidentified.