



Doll accessory in the form of "daisho" a pairing of one long sword (tachi) one short sword (wakizashi) both with sheaths and a display rack. The two swords are virtually identical apart from their length. The swords are displayed on a wood rack painted black with gold flecking. Overall measurements: H: 5" W: 12.5" D: 2.5" A: Tachi blade [see Mar/Apr 1991 Arts of Asia pp.134-141 "Appreciating the Japanese Sword"]. Long sharp silver blade with gold metal tsuba and white plastic handle. The handle is wrapped with a flat red ribbon. The tip and base of the handle are decorated with a gold colored band. At the center on each side of the handle is a gold colored wand underneath the ribbon wrapping. At the tip of the handle is an orange cord and tassle. The tsuba is decorated with four stamped hearts one at each corner on both the upper and lower sides. L: 9.5" B: Tachi style mounting (scabbard) for above blade. The scabbard is suspended by two attached straps of white cording here tied into a bow shaped knot. The scabbard is made of wood and painted black. It is decorated with gold colored bands. L: 8.5" C: Wakizashi blade short sword companion to tachi. It is identical in form and decoration to (A) but without any cording or tassles tied to the tip of the handle. L: 7.75" D: Wakizashi scabbard for above blade. The scabbard is very similar to (B) but with an orange cord tie attached. E-H are the four wood parts that assemble to create a display rack for the two blades A-D. L: 6.25" E: Wood base for display rack. Rectangular block with two slots in the top side into which fit the side supports. The wood is painting black with gold paint drizzled across for surface decoration. H: .5"; W: 4.75"; D: 2.5" F: Truncated mountain-shaped flat piece of wood which serves as a crossbar for the two side supports below. Painted in the same fashion as (E). H: 3.75" G: Side support with two knotches into which one end of each of the swords rests for horizontal display. Painted as E and F. H: 1" H: Same as above.


