Box of Pills


Box of Pills


Box containing two wax pills and instructional sheet. The pills are in shape of a ball with a neck at the top Dia: 1.125" two sides impressed with two red seals containing Chinese characters. The two pills sit on perforated platform with our holes indicating two pills missing. The platform sits inside cardboard lidded box covered with decorative paper on the outside are orange colored hexagonal shapes with gold in the center. There are two red labels on the lid and on the side with black Chinese characters. A white label on the other side says "Made in China". A red paper loop on lid has a white tab and red loop on front of box act as fastener. Instructional sheet is folded inside and around the pills. It has red and black Chinese characters. These are for bezoar sedative pills used to clear heat from the heart and induce sedation for the treatment of excessive heat in the heart. Marked by symptoms of vertigo irritability delirium convulsion etc. some of the ingredients are calculus bulbous mosschus corni rhinoceri corni antelopis cinnabaris.


