Box of Powders


Box of Powders


One cardboard lidded box containing five paper envelopes with sealed packages of medicinal powders inside Cardboard lidded box covered with white paper on top of the lid is printed with red frame and white Chinese characters inside this frame picture of man with a ring of flower motifs and red Chinese characters surround him. The sides of the box also have red printing and on one end are two characters written in black. The box contains five paper envelopes 3.25" X 2.5" and on the front same picture and a ewer printed on the front with Chinese characters and decorative swirls. Inside three of the envelopes are packages 2.625" X 1.875" made of white paper printed with red. There is writing on the front and back. The package is sealed and contains solidified powder. The other two envelope contain packages printed in blue with identical writing in blue to the other packages.These medicines are panacea medicines.


