Medicinal Minerals


Medicinal Minerals


Red tobacco can with lid containing minerals inside brown paper bag the metal canister is cylindrical with red painted finish and two raised gold bands near top and bottom. Red and gold leaf pattern around the base. On one side in gold printing "Prince Albert Process patent July 30 1907" Advertisement by Reynolds Tobacco Co. in Winston Salem N.C. On the other side a brown paper label has been glued over the tobacco emblem and has three Chinese characters. The round metal lid has a convex top and is decorated with the same red and gold leaf pattern. It has a paper tobacco stamp tax band with the date 1926. There is a paper liner and instructions on the inside. A Broken brown paper bag is tied with a jute string. It contains 12 large irregular shaped pieces of white stone. This contains Ophicalcite - the drug consists of a marble containing green serpentine. It is used as hemostatic and to eliminate blood stasis mainly for the treatment of blood sputum and vomiting blood. Powdered drug is used externally as hemostatic for incised wounds.


