



Bottle of syrup inside a lidded cardboard box A: Tall rectangular cardboard box covered with yellow paper with red borders green Chinese characters on two sides English on one side "this Preparation is scientifically compounded by us for the relief and cure of all kidney troubles manufactured by Bow Woo Tong 133 Honan Rd. Shanghai China." On the front is illustration of a Chinese man sitting on bench with a gourd and crutch and he is fanning a fire inside a brazier which produces a cloud that contains the healing essence of a deer ginseng root and weasel like animal with Chinese characters beside each. B: Box Lid made of cardboard and covered with the same paper printed in red and green. It has Chinese characters a medallion with illustration of medicine figure with gourd on back standing between deer and ginseng root. On one end in English is "Dosage: adults one tablespoon full added to wine three times a day after meals. Children: One half of adult dosage." This patent medicine is for all kidney troubles.


