Tea Set


Tea Set


Japanese American Ikebana Tea ceremony


Cha do set in wood box. Red for the cloths and gray colors for the bowls and serving devices. Box measures 20 inches height and 6.75 inches width. Shelf 1 (top): contains 1 red paper and laquered wood fan one tea scooper and three cloths of various shades of red. Two cloths have floral designs. Shelf 2: black laquer tea container two bamboo whisks one in a wood box. One water ladle. Shelf 3: 3 bowls all pottery ceramic earthenware with two wide at top and narrow at bottom and one that's curved at top and rounder. Red glit cloth book contains more cloths of red. Shelf 4: earthenware container (5x5.5) holding a red laquered tea container (2.5x2.75) a ceramic cilender that looks like a napkin ring (2.5x2.5) and a small ceramic container with fine glazing and a bone lid with gold leaf (container 3x2.5) with a small blue purple sack with gold embroidery to protect it. Additionally a cloth book of red with gold embroidery with a curved bone fastening contianing more red colored cloths some with designs. The book also holds two wood tea scoopers and a white paper fan. In the side pocket of the book there are writings in Japanese and English explaing the origins of the tea ceremony and what is said during the tea ceremony. One red string with a googly eye. Shelf 5: two metalic bowls and one small cloth book of red glit contianing a mirror. Also a small porcilain (.5x1) container with red bird designs and a ceramic cillander. This set is likely from the late 1950s. The entire box smells like sandalwood.


