



Toy shrine used in Girl's Day Display Hand carried float with a square wooden base with four short posts on each corner attached to a red painted platform and between these are two long yellow poles and one short yellow pole (the other is missing) the poles are reinforced by a perpendicular wooden beam on one side (the other side is missing). On top of the red platform is a thick yellow platform with a silver glass bell on each corner; on each side is attached square red pillow with a piece of embroidered cloth glued on top (yellow gold black white and green). On top of the yellow platform is a square piece of wood covered with a brocade cloth of orange white yellow and gold; on top of this is a 5-level platform covered with red felt; around the bottom is a gold cord which drapes down and at each corner is a white silk tassel; the felt platform has two strips on either side of the same brocade fabric as the middle platform which run completely around; on the top of the platform on each corner tied in a loop are 4 thick white cords; at the end of each cord is wrapped a gold piece of paper and a purple and white tassel.


