Watch Cleaning Machine


Watch Cleaning Machine


Watch Master Ultrasonic Watch Cleaner Machine with covered containers. A:The rectangular shaped body is made of metal. The outside housing is covered with a gray texturized baked on enamel paint. The sides have ventilation holes. The top has two levels of red painted metal into which the four covered containers are inserted. At the front of this is a line of open slots also for ventilation. The machinery can be seen through the four holes with the upper left containing a fan upper right a white metal shelf the two lower holes reveal a tan metal plate with slots for serrated columns attached to bottom of the cups. Another fan can be seen through the slots in the front. At the top front are three dials inserted in an aluminum plate. At the left is a switch labeled "dry". In the middle is a red plastic knob engraved with "mark-time". It can be turned from settings from "off" - 9" with "Min." in the middle. On the right is red plastic knob with a white dot which can be turned to "off wash rinse". On the front side of the machine are two labels upper one mad of aluminum and painted red in the center "Watch Master" in raised lettering on either side of a clock shaped motif. On the parameter of the motif is "American Time Products Inc. New York" and in the center "Trademark". On the lower aluminum label in red and black is "Type A-1 Ultrasonic Cleaner American Time Products Inc. New York 115 V 60 ~ SER". Engraved below this is "A2899". A Large black electrical cord and plug extend from a hole in the bottom at the back. There are four rubber feet on the bottom. B: an aluminum container with straight sides and a hole in the bottom. Welded to the bottom is a metal disk with six twisted arms extened towards the sides. A metal rod extends out form the bottom. This container fits into upper left hole in the machine above a metal fan. C: An aluminum lid for B round with short sides. D: An aluminum container with straight sides and a solid bottom which has a metal column extending down ward. There are long metal tabs extending out form the center of the column which fits into a hole in the lower left of the machine. E: An aluminum lid for D identical to C. F: An aluminum container with straight sides and a solid bottom which fits into the hole in the upper right hand corner of the machine. G: An metal basket that has a wide mesch bottom straight aluminum sides a metal divider on the inside and a curved metal handle at the top. G sits inside F. H: A small mech strainer that has an aluminum band around the top and the bottom. It fits inside G. I: An aluminum lid for F identical to C E. J & K: Identical to D & E and fit into lower right hand hole. L: Instruction booklet glossy green paper folded with staple binding. The front cover has a photograph of the machine in a darker green circle. Below this in black is "Watchmaster Products A division of the Bulova Watch Company Inc." The title of the book is "Operating Instructions Watch Master Model WT Ultrasonic Watch Cleaner." The title is in a white square above the photograph. Stamped over the title to the right is "Bow Wah Company 672 King Street Seattle 4 Wash." and two Chinese characters.


