



Miniature Hibachi Set with faux wood box with brazier aitached and separate gold tea pot. A: Rectangular shaped box covered with brown lacquer and painted with wood grain stripes. The left side of the box has an indentation at the top where the rim is lacquered black and red on the inside there is a mound of gray nateriel representing ashes. On top of this is a brown colored double brazier. The right has an attach lid with a solver knob. The left one is covered with gold paint where the tea pot use to be glued. At the back of this are two charcoal tongs standing upright. They are painted gold and black. On the font of the box five outlines drawers have been painted inblack. The two on the upper tight have black knobs and the three across the bottom jave crescent shaped handles painted on. There are two crescent shaped black indentations on both sides of the box representing handles. The bottom is painted black. B: Miniature kettle Dia: .5" possibly made from a wood ball. Shaped with a spout on one side and a small knob with a lid on the top. Kettle is painted gold and has a red painted wire handle attached a the top. It sits on the brown brazier.


