Tabakoban Box
Tabakoban Box
Wood Three piece Tabakoban Set. A: A wood box with a handle H: 2.125" W: 8.375". D: 5.5" the box is rectangular and flat with two compartments. On one side the compartment is 5" X 4.5" and the other is 5" X 2.5". This compartment has a lid C and has a quarter inch ridge at each short side. The box has a handle 4.75" tall and 9.5" long. It consists of three pieces of wood; two rectangulatr arms ad a single cross piece. The cross piece fits into the arms at the ends and arches in the center. The arms are attached to the box on the exterior short sides by metal screws. B: Wooden box H: 1.5" W: 5.25" D: 5.875" made from four pieces of wood stapled together at the ends. At each short side a single Kanji chatacter has been burned onto the wood. The Box has a raised bottom of three slats which fit into gooves made n the short sdes. C: Rectangular wood lid 4.75" X 2.5" has a 1" diameter hole in the center. The piece fits over the smaller compartment of the box.