Scroll & Weights
Scroll & Weights
Sumi ink painting on silk. Sansumiga style painting H: 41" W: 16.25" is on beige silk. It shows mountainous background thatched roof houses near a bridge and bamboo grove. There is a single boatman on a raft in the river. He is dressed in a blue outfit and carries a long pole. River and rocks in the foreground. Signed in bottom right hand corner and there is single real seal. Painting is attached to a paper sheet and framed by a greenish - gold tan brocade material. At the end of the paper is wrapped around a wooden dowel with plastic tips. At the top are two strips of gold and tan brocade cloth. They are 13.75" long and .75" wide. They are glued to strips of the plain brown cloth and there are turquoise threads at the ends. The cloth at the top wraps around a half dowel piece which does not extend past the edges. Attached to this dowel at the top is a black and white cloth cord. It's ends are attached by metal. At the center of this cord is another black and white cord wrapped around on one end only. The paper is torn at the bottom where it attaches to the dowel. B & C: Scroll Weights L: 9.75" Dia: 1.625" White and blue glazed ceramic weights. They are round gourd shaped with wide bulbous bottoms and smaller bulbous top. Painted in blue on them are village scenes flora patterns and landscape scenes. A hole runs through the middle of them from top to bottom. Through this hole is passed a green cord loop. The loop hangs on the extruding dowel ends of the painting. The green cord knotted decoratively is attached at the other end to two wooden rings. The top one is gold colored and has green mesh around it. The second one below holds the green tassel.