Dragon Boat Model


Dragon Boat Model


Model of Dragon Boat Made of dark brown shell material the main body has white semi-circular scales engraved along the sides. The tail extends up and back from the body and has a carved flame shaped addition inserted into a slot in the tail. The head is made from a separate piece and has two fin like projections on each side with some engraved flame shapes. There are two horns and another flame shaped projection the top of the head. The mouths open and inside are four white plastic fangs and a red plastic tongue. Two curled antenna extend from the top of the snout and beige shell projections representing a beard and mustache extend from face. The eyes are two gold beads. The dragon has four attached feet with claws that have engraved scales. There is a cross piece in the center of the body and two decks are attached with straps on the back of the dragon. The decks are engraved with a flower design and each one has three masts. The four central masts have three sails each made of variegated shell. The two outer masts have two sails each. On the top of each mast is a pennant made of shell which are inserted into a slot. Tag removed from piece reads: "M/M NGUYEN CHI (L) // Donated by Loan Nguyen // Dragon Boat Replica // WLAM IMMIG. EXH. 1997"


